One quarter of a mile is: 1320 Feet OR 440 Yards OR 430 Meters
0.1 mile
Half a mile
The area is three eigths of a square mile.
Between: "quarter (1/4) mile"
The decimal 0.25 is a quarter of the whole (a mile in this case).
1,320 feet
No a quarter mile is half of a half mile.
There are two eighths in a quarter mile.
A quarter mile = 402.336 metres.
There are 440 yards in a quarter mile.
Quarter horses get their name from the quarter mile races. A quarter horse is energetic enough to gallop a whole quarter of a mile.
One quarter is greater than three sixteenths, therefore, a quarter mile is greater than 3/16 miles.
a 19.2 quarter mile et.
quarter horses have been clocked at 55mph (88.5k) in the quarter mile.
I don't know. My son ran a 2 minute quarter mile today. This was his first attempt at the quarter mile.