Seventy-five thousandths
Expressed as a decimal, 75/10000 = 0.0075
To write one hundred seventy-five thousandths in decimal, you first write the whole number part, which is 0. Next, you write the decimal point, followed by the fractional part, which is 175. Finally, you place the decimal point before the last digit to get the final answer: 0.175.
To write seventy-two ten thousandths as a decimal, you would start with the number 0.0072. This is because ten thousandths is equivalent to 0.0001 (1/10,000), so 72 ten thousandths would be 72 times that value, which equals 0.0072.
The decimal of one thousand seventy thousandths is 1.07
Seventy-eight and three thousandths in decimal form is 78.003
To write seventy-six thousandths as a decimal, you would place the decimal point three places to the left of the rightmost digit, which is 6. So, seventy-six thousandths would be written as 0.076 in decimal form.
Seventy thousandths would be 70/1000 or 7/100. In decimal form, that would be 0.070.
76/1000 as a decimal is 0.076
Two hundred seventy-eight ten thousandths in decimal form is 0.0278
Seventy-three and seven hundred seventy-four thousandths