669.4 = six hundred sixty-nine and four tenths.
Well, honey, to write four and three tenths as a decimal, you simply drop the "and" and combine the whole number with the decimal part. So, four and three tenths is written as 4.3. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Forty and four tenths is written as: 40.4
Expressed as a decimal fraction, sixty and four-tenths can be written 60.4.
It is 6.4
669.4 = six hundred sixty-nine and four tenths.
9.4 is how you write nine and four tenths as a decimal
sixty and four hundredths = 60.04 in decimal
Sixty and four tenths can be written as 60.4, or 60.4 followed by a number of zeroes, depending upon the precision needed.
Sixty and four hundredths in a decimal form is 60.04
Eight and four tenths in decimal form = 8.4
63.4 dats da ansa.