Like this: eight hundred fourteen thousandths.
Alright, buckle up buttercup. To write fourteen and eight hundred ninety-seven thousandths in number form, you would express it as 14.897. That's all there is to it, easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Eight hundred ninety-four thousandths (0.894) in standard form is 8.94 × 10-1
Oh, what a lovely question! To write eight and five hundred three thousandths in standard form, you simply add the two parts together. Eight is the whole number, and five hundred three thousandths is the decimal part. So, in standard form, it would be written as 8.503. Just imagine painting this beautiful number on a canvas with gentle brushstrokes.
Like this: eight hundred fourteen thousandths.
Alright, buckle up buttercup. To write fourteen and eight hundred ninety-seven thousandths in number form, you would express it as 14.897. That's all there is to it, easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Four and eight hundred fourteen thousandths.
Eight hundred twenty-five thousandths in standard form = 0.825
Seven thousand eight hundred-thousandths in standard form is 0.07008
Eight and nine hundred fourteen thousandths.
Eight hundred ninety-four thousandths (0.894) in standard form is 8.94 × 10-1
One hundred thirty-eight thousandths (0.138) in standard form is 1.38 × 10-1
The correct word form of 0.814 is "eight hundred fourteen thousandths." This is because the number 0.814 is read as eight hundred fourteen thousandths, where the digit 8 is in the hundredths place (8/100), the digit 1 is in the tenths place (1/10), and the digit 4 is in the thousandths place (4/1000).
Eight hundred sixty-four thousandths of a meter in standard form is 0.864 meters or 0.864m
how do you write two and three hundred eight thousandths in strandard form