67.000068 as 67.68 is hundredths and 67.068 is thousandths so add three more 0 to make millionths
Eight millionths is 0.000008
68,744.69 or in words sixty eight thousand, seven hundred forty four dollars, and sixty nine cents..... u have to put the commas.
nine thousand, seven hundred sixty-eight
67.000068 as 67.68 is hundredths and 67.068 is thousandths so add three more 0 to make millionths
Oh, dude, you just gotta move those commas around! So, nine trillion is 9,000,000,000,000, four hundred thousand is 400,000, and twenty is 20. Put it all together, and you get 9,000,400,020 in standard form. Easy peasy, right?
Sixty-seven and three hundred twenty-four thousand eight hundred seventy-four millionths.
Four and seven hundred sixty-one millionths.
Seven hundred sixty-two millionths.
seven hundred sixty eight thousand = 768,000 seven hundred sixty eight thousandths = 0.768
Eight millionths is 0.000008
four and five hundred sixty-eight thousand, four hundred twenty-one millionths.
One hundred twenty-five thousand, one hundred sixty-eight millionths.
ninety million, eight hundred seven thousand, sixty.
Eight millionths = 0.000008