Six million, sixty thousand, sixty.
To write sixty-six and six thousandths in decimal form, you would write it as 66.006. The whole number part, sixty-six, is represented before the decimal point. The decimal part, six thousandths, is represented after the decimal point.
"Six hundred sixty-six thousand and six thousandths" = 666,000.006
Three hundred and sixty-six thousand, six hundred, sixty-six and 667 thousanth
To write Six and eight thousands in numbers , 68000Correction:The above is sixty-eight thousand.Six and eight thousands is the same as 6 + 8000 which equals 8006If the question means six and eight thousandths, then it is written as 6.008
eight and seven hundred sixty six thousands
twelve thousand, six hundred sixty-six and sixty-six hundredths.
Six hundred
Six million, sixty thousand, sixty.
6,678,466,432 in words: Six billions six hundred seventy eight millions four hundred sixty six thousands four hundred and thirty two.
To write sixty-six and six thousandths in decimal form, you would write it as 66.006. The whole number part, sixty-six, is represented before the decimal point. The decimal part, six thousandths, is represented after the decimal point.
three hundred,sixty thousands,nine hundred and sixty eight
Sixty-six and sixty-seven hundredths.