Two and twelve ten-thousandths in standard form is 2.0012
One hundred four and sixteen thousandths (104.016) in standard form = 1.04016 × 102
The answer is 0.0012
The standard form is 6.2016
Oh, dude, that's easy! 1200-thousandths in standard form is just 1.2. You can think of it like this - if you have 1200 pieces of a whole, that's the same as having 1.2 of that whole thing. So, yeah, it's just 1.2 in standard form.
Twelve and sixteen hundredths (12.16) in standard form is 1.216 × 101
Two and twelve ten-thousandths in standard form is 2.0012
this is how....... 2.016
The standard form of three and sixteen thousandths is written as 3.016.
One hundred four and sixteen thousandths (104.016) in standard form = 1.04016 × 102
The answer is 0.0012
Twelve hundred-thousandths in standard form is 0.00012