Nine hundred-thousandths.
nine and three hundred fifteen thousandths is 9315/1000 or 9.315 in decimal format.
Nine hundred three thousandths (0.903) in standard form is 9.03 × 10-1
nine hundred thirteen thousandths
13.790 = thirteen and seven hundred ninety thousandths (or seventy nine hundredths).
Seven hundred forty-five and nine hundred thirteen thousandths.
Thirteen and nine hundred five ten-thousandths
13.789 in word form is thirteen and seven hundred eighty-nine thousandths, or thirteen point seven eight nine.
Nine hundred sixty-four thousand, five hundred thirteen and two hundred seventy-eight thousandths.
It is 1.013849*103.
Do you mean nine hundred and five thousandths?If so, then 0.950
Oh, that's a happy little question! To write nine hundred twenty thousandths as a decimal, you simply place the decimal point after the last digit, which is 0. So, it would be written as 0.920. Just remember, there are no mistakes, only happy little accidents in math!