Three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation = 0.321
Eighty-one and four hundred eighty-four thousandths in decimal notation is 81.484
Seven hundred five thousandths in decimal form is 0.705. First, because you know it's in thousandths you know there will be three decimal places (1 for tenths, 2 for hundredths, and 3 for thousandths). So then you simply write out seven hundred five as 705 and add the decimal point in front of it.
30 hundred-thousandths as a decimal is 0.0003 or 0.00030
.816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form .816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form .816 is eight hundred sixteen thousandths in decimal form
Three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation = 0.321
The number three hundred twenty-one thousandths in decimal notation is: 0.321
Eighty-one and four hundred eighty-four thousandths in decimal notation is 81.484
It is 0.116
0.0510, although this is equivalent to 0.51 or fiftyone thousandths.
one thousand three hundred sixteen ten- thousandths
Nine and three hundred twenty-one thousandths
93 hundred-thousandths in standard notation = 0.00093
Seven hundred five thousandths in decimal form is 0.705. First, because you know it's in thousandths you know there will be three decimal places (1 for tenths, 2 for hundredths, and 3 for thousandths). So then you simply write out seven hundred five as 705 and add the decimal point in front of it.