Oh honey, it's not rocket science. You write 4.3 as "four point three." It's as simple as that. Now go impress your friends with your newfound knowledge.
It is written forty-three.
7.14 = (7 x 1) . (1/10) + (4/100)
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 43 percent is equal to 43/100 or forty-three hundredths.
43 = 4.3 × 101
4.75 = 43/4
One minute thirty-eight point twenty-nine seconds.
forty third
Forty-third or 43rd
It is 43rd or forty-third.
It is written forty-three.
how do you wrtie 75.09
Mina = 미나
7.14 = (7 x 1) . (1/10) + (4/100)
321 = cccxxi