It is 7 when rounded to the nearest whole number because .7 is greater than .5
67 rounded to the nearest hundred is 100.
Well, darling, when you have a decimal like 67.5, you just look at the number next to the decimal point. If it's 5 or higher, you round up. So, in this case, 67.5 would round up to 68. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
The two hundred on either side of 267 are: 200, which is 67 away and 300, which is 33 away. See if you can work out which one is the nearest!
As 67 and 8 do not share any common factors - 67 is a prime number - the lowest number that can be divided by both of them is found by multiplying 67 by 8. This results in 536. Any whole number which is a multiple of 536 can also be 67 and 8.
The nearest whole number is 67
To get the nearest whole number you first write the number of units you have. In this case, that number is 67. The next step is to look at the fraction and ask if it's greater than or equal to a half, in which case you round down. Otherwise, you round up. In this case, we have nine tenths, which is greater than a half, so you round 67 up to 68. Thus, the nearest whole number to 67 and 9/10 is 68.
67.467 rounded to the nearest whole number is 67.
Well, isn't that a happy little number! When we round 67.142 to the nearest whole number, it becomes 67. See how it keeps its essence but just gets a little more comfortable and rounded? Just like that, we've created a peaceful and whole new number.
It is 67.
It is 67.
To the nearest whole number, 67.18 is 67.
6 If the decimal place is 4 or less, go down. 5 or more, go up.
67% of 22 = 22*67/100 = 14.74 = 15 (rounded)
when the number in the ones column is 5 or above then the number goes up for the nearest 10. if it is lower then 5 then you have to go down for the nearest 10. since the 7 in 67 is above 5, the nearest 10 is 80.
Well, isn't that a happy little number! 67.2 is closest to 67 when rounded to the nearest whole number. Just a little adjustment to keep things nice and tidy, like adding a touch of paint to a beautiful landscape.