you write 85 thousand in digits is like this Eighty- five -thousand
how do you write a check for eight thousand and no dollars
Thirteen thousand
eight million 42 thousand one hundred seventy-six
As I use the long scale (based on powers of a million) as used in countries like Europe, I write it as: 78000042009011Others use the short scale (based on powers of a thousand) as used in countries like USA, and so write it as: 78042009011
how do I write five thousand **************************************** 5,000
you write 85 thousand in digits is like this Eighty- five -thousand
42%42 hundredths = 0.420.42 * 100% = 42%
42 thousand
42 million 713 thousand* in standard form = 4.2713 × 107*or 42,713,000 in standard notation
Forty five thousand