how do i round up 489,334,209
Round Up was created in 2001.
To round to the nearest whole number, round down to 60. To round to the nearest hundred, round up to 100.
You would round the nine up, which will round the next nine up, which will round the 0 up. So you will be left with 1.
You take the number before the number you want to round it to. Round to tens: 97112770 (7 is greater then 4, so you round up) round to hundreds: 97112800 (6 is greater then 4 so you round up) round to thousands:97113000 (greater then 4, round up) round to ten thousands: 97113000 (greater then 4, round up) round to hundred thousands: 97100000 (less then 4, round down) round to millions: 97000000 (less then 4 round down) round to billions: 10,000,000 (more then 4 round up)
It is 13.
it is 1.67856mm
1 millimeter...I think! :)
In order to convert millimeters to inches, one must understand how the two relate to each other. One millimeter is 0.0393701 of an inch, or to round up, one millimeter is about .04 of an inch.
6 millimeters is already rounded to the nearest thousandth of a millimeter.
It's the other way round. There are ten millimeters in a centimeter.
1 inch = 25.4 millimeter
Wrong way round. There are 10 millimeters in one centimeter.1 centimetre = 10 millimetres
This millimeter measurement across the girdle of a round cut diamond may be equal to about 1.25 carats in weight. A certified gemologist can give you the exact weight of your diamond.
its the stander of my di1ck up ur a$$
yes there is a millimeter. and more look it up