In quite a few ways:
On an OPO service bus there is the taking of fares and giving change - before London (UK) had a single fare, there were lots of fares depending how fare the passenger wanted to go; these were written out in a fare table which looked like half of a matrix and the driver looked up (initially until learnt) the correct fare in the table. Then if multiple fares were required adding together the fares and working out the change to give for tendered money that was not the correct amount.
Counting the passengers (on and off) to ensure the vehicle is not overloaded.
There's also the reading of the timetable and comparing its current location with the current time to ensure the bus is running to time.
Subconcious use of math includes pressure to apply to brake pedal to ensure the bus stops in a given distance smoothly.
Comparison of the speed limit with the indicated speed, along with comparison of the indicated vehicle speed with road conditions.
Choice of gear (on a manual gearbox) with road speed and approaching hazards.
Observing hazards and developing hazards, and deciding action based on speed, location, etc.
For non-service bus driving (coach driving in UK) there is the route planning which aims to provide the route to get to the destination at the correct time. This could involve having to avoid roads due to low bridges, width restrictions, one-way streets going the wrong way, etc, and requires estimating speed (and thus time) for the various parts of the journey.
Guestimating traffic flow based on effects round junctions and blockages, and the mindset of car drivers (especially those the UK police call CLOCs - Centre-Lane-Owner's-Club members: people who drive in the first overtaking lane (lane 2) when the driving lane (lane 1) is empty), to pick the best lane.
Packing baggage into the locker spaces which designers never seem to design with ease in mind - recognising the space available, what bags might fit into it, if necessary mentally rotating bags to fit (a bit like playing 3D Tetris(R)).
Subconciously calculating widths to see if the vehicle (at 8'21/2" wide) will get through. Being aware of the rear wheel pivot point when turning corners and how the front and read overhangs will react when turning corners.
There's plenty more, but most of my [bus] driving is subconcious these days and I don't actively think of the math involved - it just happens!
10,990 legs on the bus if you do not count the bus driver.....if you count the bus driver then there were 10,992 legs on the bus.
Figuring out distances, gas mileage, pay-per-mile, hours and time to drive, etc.
Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!
There are 7 girls in a bus. Each girl has 7 backpacks. In each backpack, there are 7 big cats. For every big cat, there are 7 little cats. The bus driver is not in the bus at this time.Question:How many legs are there in the bus?
Everyone uses math every day. Architects use math to make sure that their building designs are stable. Teachers use math to count the number of students in the class. Salesmen use math to figure out their profits.
you just show it to the bus driver
It stays in the bottom of the bus in a tank and the bus driver dumps it out.
To calculate how much dollars you have to give to the driver
The driver stays with the bus.
Yes - minibusses can use a bus lane as long as they have 9 seats or more including the driver. The bus does not have to be used for hire or reward or have a particular taxation class. Yes - minibusses can use a bus lane as long as they have 9 seats or more including the driver. The bus does not have to be used for hire or reward or have a particular taxation class.
Left blinker= [Right blinker= ]
The difference between a cold and a bus driver is a bus driver has a course to run and a cold has to run its course.
The driver. You can close the door on your way off
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The driver of Fall Out Boy's bus was Jeff Leonardo.