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Feedback in general is the process in which changing one quantity changes a second quantity, and the change in the second quantity in turn changes the first.Positive feedback amplifies the change in the first quantity while negative feedback reduces it.....

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Q: How does a change in one quantity affect the change in other quantities?
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What is an independent quantity in math?

It is a quantity that is not affected by other quantities. It may or may not affect them.

What is derived quantity?

Derived quantities are quantities which are made or found from other major quantities. There are two types of quantities. Ones are which are recognized throughout the world and using them other quantities are made.

What are derived quantities what are the fundamental quantities?

Fundamental quantities are quantities that can be measured such as mass, length and temperature. Derived quantities are quantities that has to be calculated such as pressure, volume and work done.AnswerThe SI does not define 'fundamental quantity', instead it uses the term 'Base Unit'. All other units are 'Derived Units', so-called because they are each derived from combinations of Base Units.

What is the relationship between two quantities in which the ratio of one quantity to the other quantity is constant?

A linear relationship

What is the quantity of two quantities in which the ratio of one quantitie to the other quantity is constant?

It is called direct variation.

What is the difference between saying that one quantity is proportional to another and saying it is equal to another?

When one quantity is proportional to another, it indicates that one quantity is dependent on the other by a factor and increases/decreases with the other quantity. When the two quantities are equal, the output of both the quantities is said to be the same.

When a rate of change varies from point to point the relationship is what?

it is a proportional relationship because a proportional relationship is known as a relationship between two quantities in which the ratio of one quantity to the other quantity is constant.

What is a relationship between two quantities in which the ratio of one quantity to other quantity is constant?

It is called direct variation.

What do you do when you have to multiply or divide two quantities by the same number?

You multiply or divide the first quantity by the number and then you do the same for the other quantity.

What is the relationship between two quantities in which one quantity depends on the other?

In that case, one quantity (the quantity that depends on the other) is said to be a function of the other quantity.

What are difference of fundamental and derived quantity?

Fundamental quantities r those which r independent of other quantities and r scaler and on the other hand derived quantities r those which depends on fundamental quantities!! For example metre sqaure!

What is difference between change in supply and change in quantity supplied?

a change in supply is the shift in supply curve due to change in price of other commodities and other factors like taste,weather,income e.t.c while a change in quantity supply is the change in price of the commodity itself that affect the quantity supply,here the supply curve remain constant but there will be a movement along the supply curve.