1,000,000, or one million, is 100 times more than 10,000, or ten thousand.
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
I think ten thousand
M comes from the word mille, Latin for a thousand.
the man is twenty thousand (2x10 exponent 4) times larger than the paramecium
There are eight million/ten thousand = eight hundred.
(M)(M)(M)(M)(C)(C)(L)MCMLCC * (M) is a million, so (M)(M)(M)(M) is four million * (C) is a hundred thousand, so (C)(C) is two hundred thousand * (L) is fifty thousand * M is one thousand * CM is one hundred less than 1000, so 900 * L is fifty, C is ten, so LCC is fifty and ten and ten = 70.
I think ten thousand
Sunil M. Gavaskar...scored the first ten thousand runs in test match
about 2 m illion tonnes a minuite and 500 million tonnes a mi nuite
1 m = 100 cm so 3.6 m = 360 cm, which is ten times as long as 36 cm.
I - one V - five X - ten L - fifty C - hundred D - five hundred M - thousand
As: 10=X, 50=L, 100=C and 1000=M
M is a thousand and D is 500. An X is ten and an I is one. So this would be 1509.
8.8 doctors per ten thousand inhabitants in Vietnam. M not sure
1960 = MCMLXOne thousand is M, fifty is L. So it would be a thousand, plus a thousand minus 100, plus 50 plus ten. The proper writing of it would be MCMLX.
The Roman numeral MXM means 1990. Each M stands for a thousand, and by placing the symbol X for ten in front of one of the Ms, that indicates subtraction, and a thousand minus ten is 990.