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In school mechanics it does not. The force acting on the car is directly proportional to its mass (its weight adjusted for the incline of the ramp). The acceleration of the car is inversely proportional to this force. The overall result is that the mass of the car does not affect its motion.

In more advanced mechanics, where friction and drag are taken into account, things start getting more complicated.

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Q: How does the weight of a toy car affect the car rolls down a ramp?
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All of them are the same in a general prespetive unless you add or take away weight.

How does the weight of a car affect the distance a car travels down a ramp?

yes because Gravity is pulling it down and the heavier the mass the farther it will travel down the ramp. The heavier it is the more gravity has to pull down

Does changing the height of a ramp affect the speed of the car going down the ramp?

Changing the slope of the ramp will affect the speed of the vehicle going down it.

How does friction affect the distance traveled by a toy car after rolling down a ramp?

at the top of the ramp the toy has a certain amount of potential energy. The amount of this energy depends on the height of the ramp and the weight of the toy. (The toy's weight is dependent on its mass and the force of gravity.) As the toy rolls down the ramp this potential energy is converted to two other types of energy: Kinetic energy and heat energy. The amount of heat energy depends on friction and air resistance. The lower the total resistance the more kinetic energy, and the more speed, the toy has at the bottom of the ramp.

Does the height of a ramp affect a toy car's speed going down it?

Yes. The height of the ramp does affect the speed going down it the higher the ramp the faster the car goes down it

Which toy car rolls the farthest down a ramp?

A plastic toy car

How far will a toy car travel after rolling down a ramp?

it all depends on the height of either the ramp or how far up the ramp the toy car rolls from

How does the size of the wheels affect the distance of a toy car rolls down a ramp. hypothesis?

There are three possible hypotheses:Smaller wheels means car rolls slower.Wheel size makes no difference.Smaller wheels means car rolls faster.Take your pick and then use the data to test your hypothesis.

Rebecca is conducting an experiment to see if the height of a ramp affects the speed at which a marble rolls down the ramp What should be the only variable in Rebecca's experiment?

Dependant variable Height of the ramp