3.5 km
2750 metres.
3 hours 15 minutes is 3.25 hours. So, if you travel at 60 kilometres per hour, you will travel 60 x 3.25 = 195 miles in 3 hours 15 minutes.
About 15 miles per day
691,200 miles per day.
It depends what speed your traveling at. In a car it is possible to travel about 250 mpd(miles per day). walking it is possible to travel up to 100 mpd(miles per day). running it is possible to travel up to 110 mpd(miles per day). bike riding it is possible to travel up to 225 mpd(miles per day).
90 m
it can travel 8 miles per hour
You travel 51.3 feet per second.
A pack will travel great distances, and can average covering 200 "square miles" per day, seeking prey for the pack to consume. How far they travel really depends on how far their prey travels. That can range anywhere between 10 - 40 miles a day. Perhaps even more in some rare cases. For more details, see the site listed below.
A pack will travel great distances, and can average covering 200 "square miles" per day, seeking prey for the pack to consume. How far they travel really depends on how far their prey travels. That can range anywhere between 10 - 40 miles a day. Perhaps even more in some rare cases. For more details, see the site listed below.
Most travel about 15 miles per hour. However, in 24 hours a ship could travel 360 miles during that time. At 20 mph, it would travel 480 miles.
It only works in one direction- moving to the future at the rate of 1 day per day. It does not work in reverse, and you cannot speed it up.
they could travel at only 25 miles per hour at the fastest
The land rover range rover gets about 20 miles per gallon in the city. On the highway it averages 28 miles per gallon.