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erm 1 mile ?

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Q: How far do you need to ride your bike to equal 1 mile?
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Related questions

How many miles bicycling equal a mile walking?

The distance remains the same - whether you ride a bike or walk.

How many kilometers are in a 13.79 mile bike ride?


10 miles on a bike is how many running?

If you're comparing calorie count, look at time and intensity instead of miles. For me, a 10 mile ride would equal about a 4 mile run in time and effort.

Century ride bicycle?

A "century" in bike rides usually means a 100 mile ride (century =100).

How old do you need to be to ride a dirt bike legally?

you can ride a dirt bike at any age

License required to ride a three wheeled bike?

I don't think you need a licence to ride any sort of bike you should just buy a bike and ride it its not like cars where you need licence's because with bikes you can just buy it, ride it as there is no place at all to buy real bike licences. If somebody has told you you need a licence to ride a three wheeled bike you shouldn't have to for ANY bike.

Can you ride a pocket bike in brampton without a license for a pocket bike?

yes, you need a lisences to ride a pocket bike in bramton

What five eights of a 24 mile bike ride?

5/8 of 24 miles is 15 miles.

What supplies should you bring for a 10 mile bike ride?

Water and fruit, like apple or orange

Calories burnt on 50 mile bike ride?

depends a lot on the riding conditions. For me, on road, about 2400.

Gerald and Michelle went on a 24 mile bike ride by lunch time they had riden five eighths of the total distance how many miles did they have left to ride?

Gerald and Michelle went on a 24 mile bike ride. They rode 1 fourths of the distance before stopping. By, luchtime, they rode 5 eights of the total distance. How many miles did they have left to ride after lunch.

Do you need a license to ride a motorized bicycle?

no because it is not a car and you need to be old enough to ride the bike on the street