

How far is 10 klicks?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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โˆ™ 13y ago

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6.21 miles

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Q: How far is 10 klicks?
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Rudolf Klicks died on September 5, 1997, in Germany.

When was Rudolf Klicks born?

Rudolf Klicks was born on May 21, 1917, in Berlin, Germany.

How far was a klick in Vietnam War?

The same distance it is now.If it was an American speaking, a click is one mile.If it was just about anyone else, a click is one kilometre.

How far is 5 kilometer?

About 3.1 miles. A mile is about 1609 meters, so to be exact, 5 klicks is 3.10686 miles

How many klicks is one mile?


One click equals how many miles?

"Klicks" is a slang term used for "kilometers," so it takes 1.609344 "klicks" to equal one mile

What are the release dates for China Beach - 1988 100 Klicks Out 4-11?

China Beach - 1988 100 Klicks Out 4-11 was released on: USA: 11 June 1991

What does '3 klicks away' mean?

A 'klick' is a kilometer, the term probably having originated curing the Viet Nam war... So, three klicks away would be three kilometers away, or 3000 meters.

How far is 30 clicks?

In military terms, a "klick" means a distance of 1000 meters (one kilometer, or .62 miles). So, if a Soldier radios, "We're 10 klicks south of your position," that means they are 10 kilometers away, or 6.2 miles away.

What does CLIC stand for in the Marines?

Measure of distance. Short for kilometer or .6 miles. Three klicks would be three kilometers.

How many miles are in a click?

In military terms, a "klick" means a distance of 1000 meters (one kilometer, or .62 miles). So, if a Soldier radios, "We're 10 klicks south of your position," that means they are 10 kilometers away, or 6.2 miles away. See the link down below for more information.

What are the release dates for Chopped - 2007 Far Far Out 10-3?

Chopped - 2007 Far Far Out 10-3 was released on: USA: 10 January 2012