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1500 rotations per minute. That's crank speed.

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Q: How fast is 1500 rpm?
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Related questions

What is the difference between 1500 and 3000 RPM?

RPM stands for Revolutions-Per-Minute, and is counted at the crankshaft. At 3000 RPM the engine is spinning twice as fast as at 1500 RPM.

Why does your gmc sierra idle 1500 rpm yet when you shut it off and restart it will go to normal rpm?

It is normal for a GMC Sierra to idle fast when it is first started. It will idle at around 1500 rpm until the engine warms up. To get it to slow the rpm's sooner, a person can tap the throttle once and it should slow down.

How fast does a car alternator need to spin to recharge a battery?

usually at high idle 1500 rpm for about half hour

What is the idle rpm beetle 1974?

1500 rpm.

How do you convert 1500 g into RPM?


Why would a 1992 Accord EX rev up and down from 1500-2500 RPM in park and when in drive stay around 1500 RPM and idle at no less than 1000 RPM?

possibly bad distributer

Why would you get a tapping noise on my wrx impreza 1995 when driven at 1500 RPM not there if stationary and held at 1500 RPM?

Unless you can replicate the engine noise with throttle manipualtion by varying engine speed to 1200 to 1800 rpm, you have a driveline noise

What is 1972 beetle 1600 idle speed?

1500 rpm.

What is the normal RPM for a car going 60 mph?

Anywhere between 1500 and 2300 RPM, depending on how it's geared.

What is wrong with a car that will stall if not over 1500 rpm?

Vaccum leaks

Car does not pick up speed and kicks into overdrive?

sounds like mine. it was the transmission. sorry. it got up to about 1500 rpm's and then bucked and dropped. would not go past 1500 rpm's at all.

What is idle RPM setting for a 1997 chev 1500 silverado?
