59 mph
To convert 95 km/h to mph, you can multiply by 0.6214. Therefore, he can drive at approximately 59 mph.
they can reach speeds of 2 mph. according to size, if it were the size of a tiger it could run 59 mph
236/4=59 mph
59 mph
95 mph = 152.9 km PER HOUR. mph is a speed whereas km is a distance. What is required is km per hour (or some other unit if time).
59 mph = 26.4 meters per second.
Cheyne can drive 59 mph.
A very fast dromaeosaurid, a top speed of 70kph is not hard for it. (59 mph).
59 mph
Cheyne can drive 59 mph.
69 mph It can be any speed but probably about 60 mph