14.4km/hr or 9miles/hr
2 minutes is 1/30 of an hour (60 minutes). So 2.5 miles is 1/30 of the number of miles you would do in an hour. So your speed is 2.5*30 = 75 miles per hour.
I am thinking it would be 75 miles per hour since 60 mins. = 1 hour
Dividing distance travelled in miles by time taken in hours gives 75 / 11/12 = 81.81 recurring (that is, 81.818181..) miles per hour.
You cover 31.25 miles.
75 km/h = about 46.603 mph
75 miles per hour
11.2 miles per hour.
46.6 mph
Depends on how fast you are going, if you're going 75 MILES per HOUR it'll take 1 hour
you go about 75 miles per hour on the drops.
They can reach speeds up to 75 miles per hour
81.82 miles per hour.
Cheetah and 60 to 75 miles per hour
the cheetah. It can run up to 75 mp/h <miles per hour>
average is 75-80 mph
There is no direct relationship between horsepower and speed