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Well, honey, if each pound coin is about 3.15 mm thick, then a stack of one million of those bad boys would reach approximately 3.15 kilometers high. So, you better have a good ladder or a helicopter ready if you plan on stacking them all up. Just make sure you don't get a crick in your neck counting your riches!

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4w ago
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4w ago

Assuming each UK pound coin weighs approximately 9.5 grams, one million pound coins would weigh 9,500,000 grams or 9,500 kilograms. If you stack them vertically, the height of each coin being approximately 3.15 mm, the total stack would be approximately 29,925 meters high. This is equivalent to roughly 98,263 feet or 18.6 miles.

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4w ago

Oh, dude, like, if you stacked one million pound coins on top of each other, they would reach a height of about 3,800 meters. So, you could basically build a coin tower that's taller than most mountains. But hey, good luck finding a ladder tall enough to reach the top to grab your change!

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13y ago

3.2 kilometers or 1.99 miles.

each coin is 3.14mm thick, working in old money that's just under 12 1/2 inches per 100 coins, 3000 coins = 30ft = £528,000 per mile £1,056,000 = 2 miles

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Q: How high would one million pound coins stack?
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If you had 1 million pounds in 1 pence coins, you would have a total of 100 million 1 pence coins. This is because there are 100 pence in 1 pound, so 1 million pounds would be equivalent to 100 million pence. Each pence coin represents 1 pence, so the total number of coins would be 100 million.

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Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, technically, a pile of 1 million pound coins would be taller than the Eiffel Tower if you stacked them one on top of the other. But, like, if you spread them out flat on the ground, they wouldn't reach the height of the Eiffel Tower. So, it's all about how you stack those coins, man.

How much space would 1 million 1 pound coins take up?

Assuming that 1 pound is 4cm 3 then 1 million would be 4 million cm 3. Pound coin is 3.15 mm thick so a tower of 1 million, would be 3150 metres tall.

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The weight of a £1 coin is 9.5 grams. Therefore 5,000 would weigh 47,500 grams. This equates to: 47.5 kilo 105 lb Curiously, at todays' market values, this weight in gold (105lb) would be worth $1,464,320. 5000lb of gold (which, lest we forget, is what the currency used to be based upon) would be worth over $70million

How high is 100 one pound coins stacked up?

The British One Pound coin is 3.15 mm thick, so a stack of 100 of them would be 315 mm high.

Will 1 million pound coins fit in a telephone box?

It would depend on the size of the telephone box, but probably not.

How heavy would a million pound coins be?

1 = 9.5 gm (UK 1 Pound coin) 1,000 = 9.5 kg 1,000,000 = 9,500 kg

If five million one pound coins are laid edge to edge along the M1 starting from leeds and south how far will they reach?

5 Million One Pound coins placed edge to edge would stretch for 112.5 kilometres. Travelling via the M1, that would put you somewhere in the vicinity of Nottingham.

How high would a stack of 6.5 million be in centimeters Meters Kilometers?

There cannot be any sensible answer to the question. The answer will depend on what country the currency belongs to, and the notes or coins which are stacked. For example, Zimbabwe issued notes each worth 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars, so one such note would be more than 15 million times the stack required. On the other hand, 6.5 million pounds sterling, in one penny coins for example would be 107250000 cm = 1072500 metres = 1072.5 metres in height.

What is 3 kilos of pound coins worth?

1 kilogram of pound coins is equivalent to approximately 109 coins, so 3 kilograms would be around 327 coins. As of 2021, one British pound coin is worth 1 GBP. Thus, 3 kilos of pound coins would be worth approximately 327 GBP.