The number 20 is written as: twenty.Twenty.
76 is written in word form as seventy-six.
0.064 is written in word form as: sixty-four thousandths.
8.07 in word form is eight and seven hundredths.
0.3 written in word form is three tenths
0.00079 = 7.9 × 10-4
1000000000000000000000 written in word form is: one sextillion.
12.36 written in word form is: twelve and thirty-six hundredths.
0.00002 written in word form is two hundred thousandths.
1.0076 written in word form is: one and seventy-six ten-thousandths.
Just how it has been written in the question: "Word form".
0.08 in word form is eight hundredths.
16.2 written in word form is: Sixteen and two tenths.
The number 20 is written as: twenty.Twenty.
1.982 written in word form is: one and nine hundred eighty-two thousandths.
76 is written in word form as seventy-six.