It can be same because it,s just the decimal
They are similar because when you compare decimals you say the larger one has more value so the decimal is larger like in comparing whole numbers the number that has more value is larger. So they are very similar.
Integers include 0, the negative numbers without fractional parts, and the positive numbers without fractional parts. The "without fractional parts" part of the description implies that all of the integers are whole numbers. Therefore, if you are adding integers, you are adding whole numbers.
You write down the numbers you want to add and subtract, making sure the decimal points are aligned. Then, you add (or subtract) EXACTLY as you would add or subtract integers. The decimal point in the solution should be aligned with the decimal points in the original numbers.
Adding and subtracting decimals is easy. When you put the numbers one above the other, line up the decimals vertically and treat as you would any whole number just keep the decimals in line and bring it straight down to your answer.
All whole numbers are decimal numbers.
It can be same because it,s just the decimal
Adding decimal same as adding whole numbers
Is the rounding is skidding
Same rules as adding whole numbers with different signs.
rounding whole numbers and decimals
They are similar because when you compare decimals you say the larger one has more value so the decimal is larger like in comparing whole numbers the number that has more value is larger. So they are very similar.
Factors must be whole numbers, not decimals.
No because whole numbers are integers without decimals or fractions
Really? whole numbers are like dollar bills. if there is no change then $1.00 can be just $1 a whole number, no decimals, and so can all other total dollar amounts.
No because whole numbers are integers that do not have decimals or fractions attached to them.