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to dig a grave

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Q: How is math used in the job of a mortician?
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Related questions

Are there job openings for a mortician?

I found a few sites that can help you with information on this. I hope these sites can help you out ,

Why is math used in everyday lives?

Math is used everyday for jobs in the world. Maybe you won't get a job that includes algebra, but you have to learn it anyway. Also, if you get a job with cooking you will need math.

How does engineering use math as a job?

Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!Math (or maths) is not a job and so engineering does not use math as a job!

Is there any job that does not use math?

A dead corpse perhaps. Math is everywhere- get used to it :)

How is math used in Recreational Therapy?

I'm not sure how statistics is applied to the job, but I was researching for a math project, and statistics is used.

What math classes are required to become a writer and how is math used in the writing job?

you dont but you do to do taxes

How do you get a job putting makeup on the dead for funerals?

Sometimes cosmetologists are hired to do this, but usually it is done by a licensed mortician.

How does a vet use math in their job?

they use math by counting doses, and they also used fractions, decimals, and basic arithmatic.

How do you use mortician in a sentence?

My father is a wonderful mortician.

What do you call the person who embalms the dead?


Is a mortician the same as an embalmer?

No,a mortician is not the same as embalmer

What is the proper definition of mortician?

A Mortician is commonly referred to as a funeral director or undertaker. A Mortician is a professional involved in the business side of funerals. A Mortician is usually found in a funeral parlor.