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"Mathematics Education" is the name given to the course of studies that prepares a student to be an elementary or secondary school math teacher. A math education major must take courses in the theory and practice of teaching and complete student teaching assignments as well as take courses in mathematics. A mathematics major generally does not take courses in teaching, but may be required to take more courses in advanced mathemetics and related disciplines.

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Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal was created in 1990.

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i understand mathematics as a school subject of which its foundation actually begins at home when children are growing up, it deals with number concept an its a good medium of communication , making it easier for people who speaks different languages communicate easily. mathematics education will then be the process of transmitting mathematical knowledge and it puts into practise teaching and learning processes.

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If you want to learn about mathematics education, enroll in school and get a teaching degree. You can teach a specific mathematics class like algebra, or any other kind of math.

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they can create misunderstanding

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The different of the mathematics are simple, they are of become one, of plenty which make do.

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A degree in Mathematics and/or Statistics.