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Pitch is basically frequency...

High Frequency = High Pitch

Low Frequency = Low Pitch


Frequency: The number of waves that pass a unit of time(like seconds,minutes,hours,and etc.)

Pitch: The highness or lowness of a sound

5th Grade Stuff....

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1000hz is equal to 1 mel, mel unit of pitch

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Q: How is pitch and frequency related?
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How a sound pitch and frequency are related?

Higher the frequency higher the pitch.

How is pitch related to the wavelength and frequency of a wave?

Pitch is frequency: the higher the pitch the higher the frequency, and vice-versa.

A description of a sound wave that is closely related to frequency is called?

The description of a sound wave that is closely related to frequency is called pitch. Pitch refers to how high or low a sound is perceived to be and is directly related to the frequency of the sound wave, with higher frequency sounds having a higher pitch and lower frequency sounds having a lower pitch.

Are loudness and pitch related?

No, pitch is related to wave frequency, loudness is related to wave amplitude.

What is the pitch of a sound is most closely related to?

The pitch of a sound is most closely related to the frequency of the sound wave. Higher frequency sound waves are perceived as higher pitch, while lower frequency sound waves are perceived as lower pitch.

The pitch you hear is related to the of a sound wave?

The pitch of a sound wave is directly related to its frequency. Higher frequency waves produce higher pitch sounds, while lower frequency waves produce lower pitch sounds. Pitch is essentially how high or low we perceive a sound to be.

The characteristic of a sound wave that you hear as pitch is the?

frequency of the wave. A higher frequency corresponds to a higher pitch, while a lower frequency corresponds to a lower pitch. This is because frequency is directly related to the perceived pitch of the sound.

What is a subjective property of sound related to frequency?

Pitch is a subjective property of sound related to frequency, where higher frequencies are perceived as higher pitch and lower frequencies are perceived as lower pitch.

Does the frequency of a sound wave deal with the volume of the sound?

No. Frequency is related to pitch, and amplitude is related to volume.

What characteristic of sound is most closely related to its frequency?

The pitch of sound is most closely related to its frequency. A higher frequency sound wave produces a higher pitch sound, while a lower frequency sound wave produces a lower pitch sound.

What type of wave property does pitch resemble?

Pitch in sound waves is closely related to frequency. A higher pitch corresponds to a higher frequency, while a lower pitch corresponds to a lower frequency.

What sound wave is the pitch related to?

Pitch is related to the frequency of a sound wave. High pitch corresponds to high frequency waves, while low pitch corresponds to low frequency waves.