0.6+0.05-expanded form .65-standered form
Sixty-seven hundred-thousandths in decimal form is 0.00067
ten million, ten thousand, four hundred sixty-eight
Twelve million thirty thousand two hundred sixty-six.
Sixty-eight hundred-thousandths written in decimal form is 0.00068
Standard: 560 word: five hundred sixty (?): 500+60
0.6+0.05-expanded form .65-standered form
Four Hundred Sixty Four
Five hundred ten and four hundred sixty-two thousandths.
Seven hundred eighty-seven and four hundred sixty-two thousandths.
One hundred sixty-five thousandths.
366,899.62 = three hundred sixty-six thousand, eight hundred ninety-nine and sixty-two hundredths.
66,869,000 = sixty six million, eight hundred sixty nine thousand.
164.38 = one hundred sixty-four and thirty-eight hundredths.
3,060,066,900. Standard form is just it written as a number.