When you put together unequal groups you only add. Is he correct?
juan says when you put together unequal groups you can only add is he correct
If the number is put together and looks like this: 1 1/2 then it is called a mixed number. If they are put together like this: 3/2 then it is an improper fraction :)
When you say "2 and 2 put together," it typically refers to addition in mathematics. Adding 2 and 2 together results in the sum of 4. In mathematical terms, this operation is represented as 2 + 2 = 4.
the force
my balls
A trigger mechanism is a device that activates or initiates another action or process. In firearms, the trigger mechanism is what releases the hammer to fire a round of ammunition.
This is best left to a trained gunsmith if you are haviing problems.
A trigger lock is used for gun safety. It is a mechanism that goes over the trigger and locks to prevent the trigger from being pulled.
MechanismThe mechanism had failed when the power went out and there was no electricityrunning it.I looked at the mechanism in amazement when I saw the way it was put together.
None of them have traditional safeties. They just have the trigger block mechanism.
Look through the Numrich web site at www.gunpartscorp.com
Parts breakage occurred on occassion in the trigger mechanism.
In modern firearms, the trigger allows the firing pin to sharply tap the primer on the cartridge...which, in short, fires the gun. The actual mechanics of the trigger mechanism vary for every weapon.