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x-12 (greater than symbol) x/2

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Q: How is twelve less than a number is greater than the same number divided by two?
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Is it possible to divide 15 by a mixed number and get a quotient that is greater than 15?

No. A mixed number is greater than 1 since it has a non-zero whole number (which is at least 1) and a fraction (which is greater than 0); any number divided by a number greater than 1 will be less than the original number. So 15 divided by a mixed number will be less than, not greater than, 15.

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Every number is divisible by 4. A number less than 4 gives a quotient less than 1 when divided by 4. A number greater than 4 gives a quotient greater than 1 when divided by 4. 4 divided by 4 = 1.

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You will get a quotient that is a positive number less than 10.

When your number is divided 7the remainder is 3 When your number is divided by 5the remainder is 4Find your number if it is greater than 10 but less than 50?

24 is answer.

The additive inverse of a number divided by twelve is the same as one less than three times its reciprocal Find the number?

The answer is 6.

When a is divided by a fraction greater than zero and less than 1?

The result is a number whose absolute value is greater than a.

Is the quotient of a mixed number divided by a mixed number greater thann or less than 1?

There's no general rule or pattern. (11/5) divided by (33/5) = 1/3 (less than 1) (41/5) divided by (24/5) = 11/2 (greater than 1) Just as always in division . . . -- If you have (smaller number) divided by (bigger number), the quotient is less than 1. -- If you have (bigger number) divided by (smaller number), the quotient is more than 1.

Is five twelve greater than three eight?

No it is less.

What number is greater than twelve and less than forty?

13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39 Also, how about 12.1 24. 93 38.742 19.14159 22.718281828459045 Actually, there are an infinite number of them.

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Is 5 greater then 17?

No - 5 is twelve less than 17.