TIME (hours) = DISTANCE (km) divided by SPEED (km/h)
TIME = 9KM divided by 6KM/H
TIME = 1.5 Hours or 90 minutes
67 minutes, or an hour and 7 minutes 10 kilometers / x hours = 9 kilometers/1 hour x hours = 10/9 hours = 1 1/9 hours
Time = Distance/Speed = 6000/80 = 75 hours. That assumes that you can drive 75 hours averaging that speed without a break!
10 kilometers an hour
3 hours 150 km / (50 km/hr) = 3 hr
5530/790=7 hours
15,000 hours
4300/80 = 53.75 hr
That will obviously depend on the speed. Assume some convenient speed, then divide the circumference (which is about 40,000 kilometers) by that speed. If the circumference is in kilometers, and the speed in kilometers/hour, the time will be in hours.
The time to drive four kilometers would depend on the speed the vehicle is going. At four kilometers per hour it would take one hour. At 32 kilometers per hour, it would take 15 minutes.
36 minutes. But, no bird on earth can fly at 500 km per hour.
If you mean 60 kilometers per hour, just divide the distance by the speed.
How long it takes someone to drive 267 kilometers depends on what speed you are driving. For example, if you are driving at a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, it would take you about five and a half hours.
That depends on your speed. At 60 kph, it will take 1 minute.
Depends on how many miles per hour (or kilometers per hour if you prefer) you are going, how long you continue that speed, time waiting in traffic if there is any, and how many stops are made and how long they are
The time it takes to drive 64 kilometers depends on the speed at which you are traveling. If you are driving at a constant speed of 64 kilometers per hour, it would take you 1 hour to cover the distance. If you are driving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, it would take you 0.8 hours or 48 minutes to cover the distance. The formula to calculate time is distance divided by speed.
2 hours. 100 kph stands for kilometers per hour, so in one hour the vehicle would have travelled 100 kilometers. It would take an additional hour at that same speed to reach 200 kilometers.
Time = Distance/Speed = 450/90 = 5 hours.