It will depend on the speed that you drive at!
7 hours.
7 hours of course !
490 miles
7 hours 32 minutes at 65 mph
9 hours 48 minutes.
7 hours 32 minutes @65 mph
6 hours, 32 minutes.
490 miles long and 240 miles wide.
The actual distance between Oakland, CA and Coos Bay, OR is 397 miles. However, since I assume that you're driving there, the distance you'll have to travel is greater, and depends on the route you take. If you take Highway 101, the trip is 490 miles long. If you take I-5, the trip is 530 miles long, but you'll get there about a half-hour to an hour sooner.
490/7 ie 70 mph
It is 490 miles according to Google Maps.