In order to figure this out, you have to do some simple long division. First, you have to consider that you need 60 minutes to make up 1 hour. So divide 152 by 60. That works out to be: 152 / 60 = 2, with a remainder of 32. That means that 152 minutes is the same as 2 hours and 32 minutes (about 2 and 1/2 hours).
well 360 minutes is 6 hours long
152 minutes
152 minutes
152/65=2.33 hours =2 hours 19.8 minutes
In order to figure this out, you have to do some simple long division. First, you have to consider that you need 60 minutes to make up 1 hour. So divide 152 by 60. That works out to be: 152 / 60 = 2, with a remainder of 32. That means that 152 minutes is the same as 2 hours and 32 minutes (about 2 and 1/2 hours).
2.5333... minutes are equivalent to 152 seconds.
2h 36m
152 minutes for the Swedish (2009) movie, and 158 minutes for the American (2011) movie.
4 hours 43 minutes 20.71 seconds.
approximately 152 mins (2hours 32mins) long
It is: 152 degees and 15 minutes
152 cm = 4 feet 11.8 inches
To travel from Bendigo, Victoria, Australia to Melbourne, Victoria, Australia is about 152 kilometers. It will take approximately one hour and forty five minutes to travel.