There are 12 months in one year. Therefore, 60 years is equal to 60 x 12 = 720 months.
in generations (years/25): .8733... in decades (years/10): 2.1833... in years (/12): 21.833... in weeks (days/7): 1138.452380952381... in days (years *365): 7969.166... in hours (days*24): 47259.99... in minutes (hours*60): 2835599.99... in seconds (minutes*60): 170135999.99...
18 months.
There are twelve months in a year. Therefore, in five years, there are sixty (60) months.
one year = 12 months 5 years = 60 months
60 months is five years.
There are 60 months in 5 years. 12 months/year x 5 years = 60 months.
There are 12 months in one year. Therefore, 60 years is equal to 60 x 12 = 720 months.
60 months equals 5 years, because there are 12 months in a year and 60 / 12 is 5.
There are 60 months in 5 years because there are 12 months in a year, so 12 multiplied by 5 equals 60. Basically, 60 months.
60 months old. (5 years x 12 months a year= 60)
There are 60 months in 5 years because there are 12 months in each year and 12 multiplied by 5 equals 60.
There are: 60*12 = 720 months
There are 60 months in 5 years.
There are 60 months in five years.
there are 12 months in a year. multiply the number of years by 12. Example: How many months are there in 5 years? 12*5=60 there are 60 months in 5 years