There are 9 weeks in 63 days.
To find the fraction of 2 days out of 9 weeks, we first need to convert both the days and weeks to a common unit. Since there are 7 days in a week, 9 weeks is equal to 9 x 7 = 63 days. Therefore, 2 days out of 63 days can be simplified to 2/63. So, the fraction of 2 days out of 9 weeks is 2/63.
there are many problems to that question such as 7 and 9 and...well that's all i could think of.
It is 6 weeks and 3 days
7 weeks (49 days) + 3 days + 2 weeks (14 days) + 5 days + 9 weeks (63 days) + 4 days = 138 days or 19 weeks and 5 days.
63 days
63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.63 days.
A "normal" gestational period for dogs and cats is 62-63 days.
63 days.
63 days.
63 days
63 days.
a female coyote is pregnant for 60-63 days!
63 to 65 days
63-65 days
Roughly 63 days. :-)
60 to 63 days.