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1 hour and 33 mins

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Q: How long is 93 minutes?
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93 minutes

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93 miles at 70 mph takes 93/70 minutes = 1 hour 19.7 minutes.

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Brave is 93 minutes long, or 1 hour 33 minutes

How long is the movis taken?

Taken (2008) is 93 minutes long; which is 1 hour and 33 minutes.

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Saw IV is 93 minutes long (1 hour 33 minutes).

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93 minutes.

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The duration of "Flight 93 The Movie" lasts 1hr. and 29 minutes

How long is the movie Jack and Jill?

Best guess 93 minutes :)))

How long is the movie The Tale of Despereaux?

"The Tale of Despereaux" , an animated film , is 93 minutes long .