A foot is a foot, whether on a ruler or a tape measure, an odometer or laser range-finder or any other modern measuring instrument.
My foot is actually about 1 foot long!
IF she just bought 50 feet then this would be too short for even one of her 56 foot requirements.
A long time ago a king wanted to see how long his foot was. His foot was exactly 12 feet long so he called that a foot.
A five dollar "foot long sub" and a ruler
12 inches
The weight of 1 foot of tape can vary depending on the type and brand of tape used. On average, standard packaging tape weighs about 0.1-0.2 ounces per foot.
Need a message = tsarikh meser (צריך מסר)
To measure a foot length you could use a ruler, a yard stick, a tape measure, or any object that you knew was precisely one foot long on a side or edge.
about 1 foot
The keyword "tape measure" is 10 characters long when measured with a tape measure.
To measure the run-way of a long jump pit's run way simple use a measuring tape, then put the end of the tape on the board that the jumper wants to jump off of. Then have the jumper place his/her take-of foot's heel in the middle of the board. Then depending on the number of steps that the jumper wants to take count that number when their jumping foot hits the ground. the measure from where their foot lands. This is how you measure the board.
Yes, the A in "tape" has a long A sound. The E is silent.
A tape measure is probably best.
Yes. The "a" in tape is long.
0.0988 per foot
average price to tape and mud is anywhere from .50 to1.00