A millimetre is one tenth the size of a centemetre and one thousandth of a metre and a metre is that long.
Something that is a milimetre long....
A sperm cell is only a fraction of a millimeter long. Typically a human sperm is about 5 microns long. A micron is equal to one one-thousandth of a millimeter.
Oh, dude, a hectometer is way bigger than a millimeter. Like, a millimeter is like tiny, you know, it's just a tiny little speck compared to a hectometer, which is like a hundred meters. So, yeah, hectometer wins the size contest by a long shot.
So, a meter is the biggest, a centimeter is smaller, and a millimeter is the smallest. Meter to millimeter? 1 meter = 1000 millimeter 1 millimeter = 0.001 meter.
I can think of no household item that is 1mm long. It would be very difficult to pick up and manipulate.
flys are a millimeter long
a millimeter is the length of a millimeter
a millimeter
A millimeter is 1/10 as long as a centimeter.
a centimeter is 100 times larger than a millimeter
A pinhead.
A speck of dust is about as long as 1 millimeter; a speck of dust can be found in all houses.
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Pin heads.
A mm is a tenth of a cm.
Exactly one millimetre.