It is 36 times 488 = 17,568
There are forty-eight tens in 488 with 8 remaining 488 - 8 = 480 = 10 x 48
Rounded to two decimal places, 488/735 x 100 = 66.39 percent.
488/80= 6.1 hours...
6 hours 58 minutes at a constant 70 mph, excluding speed changes or stops along the way.
The part of the equator that crosses Kenya is 488 miles long.
488 knots is 562 mph.
The total distance between the two locations is 488 miles. It will take about 7 hours and 15 minutes.
Divide by 1.609 to the kms in miles.
About 488 miles by air.
divide by 1.609
The distance from San Antonio, TX to Artesia, NM is approx. 488 miles. The driving time is approx. seven (7) hours. Your travel time and mileage will probably be longer because you'll have to stop for fuel, food, and bathroom breaks.
488 miles
303.2 miles per hour.
The flight distance is 488 miles.