To calculate how many times 0.00007 goes into 6300000, you would divide 6300000 by 0.00007. This division would result in 90,000,000,000, or 9 x 10^10. Therefore, 0.00007 goes into 6300000 approximately 90 billion times.
2 significant figures
It is 6,300,000 - as in the question.
No, if there is a negative number then you put that many numbers before the root number. For example, 7x10^-5= .000007
how many times does 25 go into 103.
2 significant figures
It is: 6.3 × 10^6
7 x 10-6
6300 kg is 6,300,000 grams.
It is 6,300,000 - as in the question.
It is: 7.0*10^-6
6307200 to the nearest hundred thousand is 6300000
It is: 6.3*106
No, if there is a negative number then you put that many numbers before the root number. For example, 7x10^-5= .000007
6312345, to the nearest hundred thousand.