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Q: How many 21ft scaffold tubes make a ton?
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What is the best type of scaffold boards to use in a desert climate?

There are many kinds of scaffold boards to use in a desert climate the best one for desert climate will be Climb-Pro 345840 Scaffold Boards. I also think Planks Bakers Scaffold boards and PRO-SERIES scaffild boards.

How many gallons of water do you need to fill a 21ft round pool 4 ft deep?

10,000 to 11,000 gal.

How many vacuum tubes are in the Univac I computer?

It used 5200 vacuum tubes.

Is the internet a series of tubes?

there is many tubes on internet like youtube redtube blacktube

What types of products are made from P Tubes?

There are many products made from P tubes. there are Ibm products that are used everyday and also P tubes from vacuums that help clean houses. P tubes are also used for LED tubes.

When did they quit putting picture tubes in tv?

They didn't many TV's still have picture tubes in them in 2008

How many tubes the heart has for blood to go out?

There are two tubes that take blood out of the heart. These are the pulmonary artery and the aorta.

How many babies do you have to have before you can get your tubes tied?


How many vacuum tubes in first generation computer?

ENIAC was the first digital general purpose computer, built in 1946, and with 17,468 vacuum tubes. The Illiac I, the first computer built and owned by a US educational institution, had 2800 vacuum tubes. The IBM 604 had about 2000 vacuum tubes.

How many tubes of fluid is collected for a Cerebrospinal fluid study?


How many tiny tubes are in a kid kidnes?

There are millions of the tiny tubes in each of the kidney to carry blood and other nutrients both inside and outside of the kidney. The artery basically divides into many tiny blood vessels throughout the kidney.

What happened to charels one?

On the 30 January, Charles was taken to a scaffold built outside Whitehall Palace. Charles wore two shirts as he was worried that if he shivered in the cold people would think he was afraid of dying. Troopers on horseback kept the crowds some distance from the scaffold, and it is unlikely that many people heard the speech that he made just before his head was cut off with an axe.