1440 minutes in 24 hours 86400 seconds in 24 hours
there r 2880 30 seconds in 24 hours
30 seconds = 30/60 minutes = 0.5/60 hours = 0.5/(60 x 24) of 24 hours = 0.00034722 of the 24 hours Another approach: 1 day = 24 hours = 86400 seconds 30 seconds = 30/86400 of 24 hours = 0.00034722 of the 24 hours
One day more = 24 hours. 24 hours = 86 400 seconds
3 Hours and 30 Minutes=210 minutes=12600 seconds
12600 seconds = 3 hours 30 minutes.
No.of Hours per day = 24 So , No.of hours in 30 days = 30*24 = 720 Hours
30 seconds = 30/60 minutes = 0.5/60 hours = 0.5/(60 x 24) of 24 hours = 0.00034722 of the 24 hours Another approach: 1 day = 24 hours = 86400 seconds 30 seconds = 30/86400 of 24 hours = 0.00034722 of the 24 hours
One day more = 24 hours. 24 hours = 86 400 seconds
Month of June = 30 (days) x 24 (hours/day) x 3600 (s/hours) = 2592000 seconds
60 seconds in 1 minute x 60 minutes in one hour x 24 hours in one day x 30 days. 60 x 60 x 24 x 30 = 2592000 seconds
3 hours 5 minutes 30 seconds is 11,130 seconds.
30 hours.
127 hours, 30 minutes, 45 seconds =459,045 seconds7,650.75 minutes127.5125 hours
3 Hours and 30 Minutes=210 minutes=12600 seconds
108,030 seconds.
19,800 seconds.
12600 seconds = 3 hours 30 minutes.
No.of Hours per day = 24 So , No.of hours in 30 days = 30*24 = 720 Hours