Well honey, there are 4 numbers in your combination, so it's as simple as 4 factorial, which is 4 x 3 x 2 x 1, giving you a total of 24 combinations using the numbers 1, 4, 6, and 9. That's all there is to it, no need to complicate things.
To calculate the number of 4-number combinations using the numbers 1, 4, 6, and 9 without repetition, you can use the permutation formula. Since there are 4 options for the first number, 3 options for the second number, 2 options for the third number, and 1 option for the fourth number, you would multiply these numbers together: 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24. Therefore, there are 24 different 4-number combinations using the numbers 1, 4, 6, and 9.
It is 917969.
1,469 multiplied by 4,675 is 6,867,575
11205 Pattern rule: Start at 1. Multiply by 7, and subtract 2.
There are an infinite number of possible answers - there are an infinite number of formulae that can be found to give t{1..5} = {12, 59, 294, 1469, 7344} which will give different values for t8. eg: t{n} = (376n⁴ - 3384n³ + 11186n² - 15369n + 7227)/3 gives t{1..5} = {12, 59, 294, 1469, 7344}, and t8 = 135889. t{n} = (-4929n⁵ + 76943n⁴ - 446037n³ +1198513n² -1473498n + 649296)/24 also gives t{1..5} = {12, 59, 294, 1469, 7344}, but t8 = -381656. However, the solution your teacher is probably expecting is based on the fact that: U1 = 12 U{n} = 5U{n-1} - 1 for n ≥ 2 This leads to: t1 = 12 t{n} = 12 + 47 × 5ⁿ⁻² for n ≥ 2 → t8 = 917969
You are multiplying by 5 and taking 1 away, so the next value is 36719.
5% of 1469= 5% * 1469= 0.05 * 1469= 73.45
he was born in 1469 he was born in 1469 he was born in 1469 he was born in 1469
1469 13,113
Produced about 1950.
He was born in 1469 or 1469 no one really knows.
The word percent is never properly repeated in a percentage, so this has no meaning. However, the correct answer is actually 293.8 (20% of 1469) which can be found by setting up a proportion with 100 and the whole number 1469 as the denominators in the fractions and a 20 above the 100 and an x on top of the 1469. Cross multiply and solve for the unknown.
Edward IV was King of England in 1469.
There is 541 years from 1469-2010.
1469 rounded to the nearest hundreds is 1500
All numbers are divisible by 2145. Any element of the set of numbers of the form 2145*k where k is an integer is evenly divisible.
The phone number of the Georgetown University Art Collect is: 202-687-1469.
Lorenzo de Medici ruled Florence from 1469 to 1492.