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In Europe, the standard keg size is 50 liters. This type of keg measures 532 millimeters or 20.94 inches high and 408 millimeters or 16.06 inches in diameter.

A 20-foot container has external dimensions of 1) height of 102 inches (8 feet 6 inches); 2) length of 238 inches (19 feet 10 inches); and depth of 96 inches (8 feet); and internal dimensions of 1) height of 92 inches (7 feet 8 inches); 2) length of 230 inches (19 feet 2 inches); and depth of 90 inches (7 feet 6 inches).

According to this, you can fit 4 stacks high, 14 rows deep of 5 across, totalling 280.

However, German kegs are a height of 600 millimeters or 23.62 inches with a diameter measuring 381 millimeters or 15 inches.

So only 270 would fit.

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