Oh, dude, you're asking me to do math now? Alright, let's see... 200 5-cent coins make up 10 dollars. So, if you're ever in a situation where you need to pay someone 10 bucks in nickels, you better have some strong pockets!
2,000 5cent coins makes 100 UD dollars if i am right with my math
20 5 cent coins 20x5=100=1 dollar
62 copper dollar coins
Well, honey, if you're asking how many nickels are in a dollar, the answer is 20. Simple math, darling. Just divide 100 (cents in a dollar) by 5 (cents in a nickel), and voila! You've got your answer.
There are 10 ten-cent coins in one dollar. This is because each ten-cent coin represents 0.10 of a dollar, and 10 of these coins would equal 1 dollar. Therefore, you would need 10 ten-cent coins to make 1 dollar.
2,000 5cent coins makes 100 UD dollars if i am right with my math
Two x Five Dollar notes would equal Ten Dollars.Five x Two Dollar coins would also equal Ten Dollars.
Well, honey, if you're asking how many nickels are in a dollar, the answer is 20. Simple math, darling. Just divide 100 (cents in a dollar) by 5 (cents in a nickel), and voila! You've got your answer.
-- If the coins are dollar coins, all it takes is one of them. -- If the coins are pennies, it takes 100 of them. -- So a dollar can't be less than 1 or more than 100 coins.
20 5 cent coins 20x5=100=1 dollar
4 quarters or 10 dimes or 20 nickels or 100 pennies. One dollar is equal to 100 cents so many combinations of coins can be used.
20 = 100 / 5
One dollar = 100 cents. That's 20 nickels (5 cent coins) per dollar. 20 x 10 = 200
One dollar = 100 cents. That's 20 nickels (5 cent coins) per dollar. 20 x 10 = 200
62 copper dollar coins
This is a very vague question. Are you asking "how many coins equal $1,000.00 in cash?" Depending on the denomination of coins it can be 1,000 One dollar coins = $1,000.00 or 100,000 One cent coins = $1,000.00 or any combination of cents, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollars or dollar coins.