I am not sure what you mean, but ampere is a unit of current, not of energy. In the case of a constant current, if the current is 1 ampere in a second, it will be 1 ampere in an hour, or in a day.
how many brass 1 ton
How many CFM for one ton of cooling
There is only on letter "t" in a ton.
there are 31.754 gallons in one ton
how many litre bags to a ton
Approx 2 units per hour 3 star ac
A ton is a unit of mass, not current. Amperes are a unit of electric current. The two are not directly related and cannot be converted into each other.
Type your answer here... 7 amperes
You cannot since the units of measurement are incompatible. Apart from the fact that ton hour per hour is simply ton.
1 ton = rate of heat absorption to melt 1 ton of ice in 24 hours =12,000 BTU per hour = 3,516 watts.
1 ton of heating is equal to 12,000 BTU per hour.
A 2.5 ton A/c is the same as 30,000 BTU's 1 ton = 12,000 BTU's
1 long ton (2240 lbs) = 223.50 UK gallons per hour / 268.44 US gallons per hour > 1 short ton (2000 lbs) = 199.55 UK gallons per hour / 239.68 US gallons per hour
12000 per hour
One ton of air conditioning capacity is equivalent to 12,000 British Thermal Units (BTU) per hour. A 3-ton air conditioning unit therefore has a cooling capacity of 36,000 BTU per hour.
One ton per hour equals 33.3 pounds per minute.
If you want Imperial tons, divide by 2240. If metric ton, divide by 2204.6