it depends. if (for example) y=x2 then there are an infinite amount of answers. if there is an equation like: If (variable X)= (variable Y) + 5 and if X=5, what is Y? then there is only one answer. check an algebra book, it can give you a more detailed answer.
There are many equations that are neither linear nor quadratic. A simple example is a cubic equation, such as y = x3, or a logarithmic equation, such as y = ln(x).
A linear equation IS a function. A function can look like X2+X+C, or X3+0, or X+Y+C, or many other ways. The function X+Y+C is a function in two variables, and can be a linear equation.
There are many linear equations that equal 91! For instance, 2x + 4 = 91 and 3x + 5 = 91 Too many equations.. The question needs revision!.
A linear equation in n variables, x1, x2, ..., xn is an equation of the forma1x1 + a2x2 + ... + anxn = y where the ai are constants.A system of linear equations is a set of m linear equations in n unknown variables. There need not be any relationship between m and n. The system may have none, one or many solutions.
A single linear equation in two variables has infinitely many solutions. Two linear equations in two variables will usually have a single solution - but it is also possible that they have no solution, or infinitely many solutions.
A linear equation in one variable has one solution. An equation of another kind may have none, one, or more - including infinitely many - solutions.
A function of one variable is of the form y=f(x) where all you need to know in order to get values for y is the value of the independent variable, x. A function of two variables is of the form z=f(x,y) where you need to know the values of both x and y to get a value for z. A linear equation is simply and algebraic equation where all variables, regardless of how many there are, are raised to the power of one.
you first look at the varaibles and their power if there is more than one variable then you will have how ever many variables there are that's how many separate answers there will be also, if you have a number to the power or 2 then there will be two answers for that ONE variable... if you have a number to the power of 8 then you will have eight answers for the one variable.
it depends. if (for example) y=x2 then there are an infinite amount of answers. if there is an equation like: If (variable X)= (variable Y) + 5 and if X=5, what is Y? then there is only one answer. check an algebra book, it can give you a more detailed answer.
A linear equation is a specific type of function that represents a straight line on a graph. While all linear equations are functions, not all functions are linear equations. Functions can take many forms, including non-linear ones that do not result in a straight line on a graph. Linear equations, on the other hand, follow a specific form (y = mx + b) where the x variable has a coefficient and the equation represents a straight line.
You cannot solve a variable. You can solve an equation to find the value (or range of values) of a variable. How you do that depends on the nature of the equation that you have. Linear and quadratic equations are relatively simple, as are many trigonometric and exponential equations. But some cannot be solved in such a way and a numerical solution is required. Here you would make a guess and then improve on that guess and then improve on that until you were satisfied that you were close enough to the real answer.
There are many possible answers to this question. Some of these areA linear equation.A system of n independent linear simultaneous equations is n unknowns.Quadratic equations in which the two real roots are coincident.Cubic equation where either all three roots are coincident or, if the domain is real, then when two of the roots are imaginary.
-- If the equation has only one variable (like 'x' or 'y'), and the only power of the variable anywhere in the equation is '1', then the equation has one solution. -- If the variable appears raised to powers higher than '1', then there are as many solutions as the highest power of the variable. -- If the equation has two or more variables, then there are an infinite number of solutions.
Inequalities tend to have infinitely many solutions.
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