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Q: How many apex points does a cone have?
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How many vertical in a cone?

A cone has only one vertex (the apex).

Does a cone have an apex?

Yes, a cone has an apex. To be precise, it is the point at the tip of the cone. This is also called the vertex of the cone.

How many corners edges and faces in cone?

None. A cone has an apex or vertex, a lateral surface and a base.

How many lines does a cone have?

Infinitely many. There are infinitely many lines from the apex to the base. Every point on each of these lines is on the surface of the cone.

What is cone angle?

The apex angle of the cone is the angle that the apex takes. This is measured by the two intersections the cone takes through a perpendicular plane defined by the apex and the center of the circular base.

What is the point at the end of the cone called?

An Apex or Vertex of the cone

Does a cone have two apex?

yes a cone does have two apexImproved Answer:-No

How many edges faces and vertex does a cone and cylinder have?

Faces-2 the base and the slanted side Edges-1 separting the base and apex Vertices-1 there is an apex which is the tip, or top of the cone

What is a four letter word for volcano?

The cone is the apex of the volcano.

What is the tip of a cone called?

The apex.

What is a Four-letter word for volcano apex?

The cone is the apex of the volcano.

Can the top of a cone be called something besides vertex?

A cone does not have a vertex. A vertex is defined as a point where two lines meet; a triangle has three vertices, and the angular face of a pyramid has a vertex. However, a cone is a three-dimensional figure and has a curved surface. The base of a cone is circular. The top of the cone is a single point called the apex of the cone.